Well, haven’t I been busy this morning!
Every week (if not more often) I try and go through my Reader and read all the posts from those I follow. A daunting task for all of us, I know.
But we followed this or that blog for a reason.
Sometimes we are pulled away from that reason just living our lives.
Some follow blogs religiously. Every post, every day, every spurt of creativity. Some follow a thousand blogs. Some follow ten. Some follow blogs for entertainment. Others for ideas for their own blogs. Some follow to learn; others to explore. Some don’t follow any blogs — they just wander through the WordPress universe, stopping here and there, commenting, and moving on.
We all follow blogs for our own reasons. And often feel bad when we don’t follow them as often as we should.
I signed up to follow three more blogs this morning. Duh. I could have signed up to follow thirty more, but I want to be fair to those I read.
As if there is fairness on the Internet.
I’ve stated in the past that not long ago I went through my Reader list and found dozens of bloggers who haven’t posted in a year. 18 months. I wonder what happened to them. Moved on, grew up, became a kid again and didn’t want to waste any more time writing. Who knows.
I try and be loyal to those I follow. Even those I don’t. Time is so precious these days, I know. We need to live every day to the fullest, blah blah. We all know that. And part of being “full” is reading what others think and feel now and then.
Nothing anyone posts is going to change the world.
Mine included.
But I just read a blog called “Unresolved Trauma vs. Unresolved Trauma ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,” an uplifting connection that made me smile, so maybe changing the world comes after all …
One blog at a time.