I know most people are in a hurry when they read blogs — they need to grock all the information in a short time so they can digest it later.
To those of you who write longer blogs, I salute you. I enjoy you, too. I used to write paragraph after paragraph, telling the story as I danced through to the punchline. Now it’s either I’m more A.D.D. or have a smaller attention span, but my blogs have shortened through time.
But I was wandering back BACK through my history the other day and came across a few blogs that at least brought a smile to my face.
If you have time, click on one of the links below and see where my mind was eleven, nine, seven years ago…..
COSMIC CHATTER –– 7/11 — Trying to concentrate in a world of chaos (939 words)
Dancing in a Too-Tight Tutu — October 2011 — What’s acting our age? (786 words)
Karma in the Troll Hole — October 2013 — Payback doesn’t always come the way you want it to…or does it? (702 words)
When is a Cherry not a Cherry? — June 2014 — Giggling as I type certain words for work…and beyond (601 words)
Take a few minutes out of your busy day and look back at some of your own work. A trip back in history never hurts!