It is as if I am handling a puffer fish or prickly bush with my bare hands.
The world of politics is truly doing a whirling dervish these last few months. A lot of my friends are afraid, angry, embarrassed, and/or happy with the state of affairs.
This has led to very charged postings lately, both here and on Facebook and Twitter.
I am happy to live in a time and a world where I can express myself freely. That the Feds or the KGB don’t show up at my office or my house to have a “little talk.” But freedom of speech also can lead to heart attacks, headaches, palpatations, high blood pressure, dizzy spells, acid reflex, and a whole lotta other maladies.
And that’s what I fear will happen to all my friends and contacts if they don’t stop raging.
Let me make this perfectly clear — I AM concerned. I AM stressed. I AM worried. Every morning I drive to work and listen to the news I want to smack myself on the forehead and say “What NOW?” But I tend not to talk about it on social media.
I wonder if all this absorption into the ways of the world are preventing my friends from writing their blogs, poems, short stories, recipes, and whatever else. If it’s draining the desire of crocheters so that all they can do is one looonng doublestitch. If all painters want to do is whip paint at a canvas, ala Jackson Pollock.
I’m sure this madness is not limited to the U.S. I bet if I ask my Australian friends (waves to the few I know out there) or my blogger in Spain or the U.K. or in Germany (keeps waving) I’m sure their country is messed up too. Maybe not as obnoxiously, but just as particularly.
I’m not saying don’t get involved. I’m not saying don’t get emotional. We all need to have our voices heard.
What I am saying is we need to have our creative voices heard too. Don’t let the politics of the moment curb your appetite for self expression. Funnel your emotions into something other than — or besides — social media.
Use your passion to create something that will outlast the politics of the day. Write something marvelous.Paint something inspiring. Play an instrument like an angel. Show the world you are better than the nonsense around you.
Because you are.
Filed under: blogs, creativity, social media, Uncategorized, writing Tagged: blogs, creativity, writing