Trial and Error is Better Than a Bottle of Whine
I had almost a whole blog finished this evening, one about deer ticks and broken teeth and watching Face Off. But when I reread it, all I saw was creatively written whine. The beautiful thing about...
View ArticleWanderlusters Sign Up Here
Do you ever feel you have a somewhat confusing relationship with your life? As I get older I find my emotional state doesn’t last long enough to hang a hat on, so I often can’t tell what I’m feeling. I...
View ArticlePoetic Expression
There is something about getting older that brings out the bouquet of life around me/us. I don’t mean the I’m-gonna-die-sooner-than-later syndrome (that we all go through no matter what our age), but a...
View ArticleHow Do I Write “It”?
Fellow writers, readers, stencilers, painters, sketch artists, graphic artists, scrapbookers, sculpturers, jewelers, poets, screenplayists, and all other creative muses! Lend me your...
View ArticleWhooo Are You? Who Who..Who Who?
I was going to write about my life feeling like a tornado. But the thought made me dizzy, so I changed directions, and am going to talk about — I don’t know what to talk about. More often than not my...
View ArticlePassion on Hold?
To thine own self be true. ~~William Shakespeare That is no truer than this evening. I have the weekend to myself. Hubby and boys are hunting, grandbaby up with the other grandparents. Lots of time...
View ArticlePoint Me Towards the Kingdom
There is an eerie sense of calm around the Goddess’s home realm these last few days leading up to my vacation at the world’s most expensive playground: Disneyworld. It’s that ethereal world one slips...
View ArticleWelcome to my 5th Dimension
Well, I think I’m over my vacation. And I’ve gotten the Art Gallery stuff out of my system (at least until Sunday). I’m following a few blogs that do “Wordless Wednesdays,” and I’m really enjoying...
View ArticleREAD THESE (gimmicky) GUIDELINES NOW!!
The world is full of gimmicks — full of one-liners and sensational promises for everything from growing hair to making money while staying at home. Just do this. Pay a fee for that. Follow these 5...
View ArticleA Man-Type Blog
You would think that with the amount of writing I’ve been doing the second half of my life, my family – i.e., my mate/husband/soulie – would get excited when I write something new. I mean, I write all...
View ArticleComputer Hoarder or Zen Master?
Considering how haphazardly I live, organization is not a word that frequently passes my lips. I just have too much information, and not enough room/time/energy to organize it all. But then last week...
View ArticleFriday Night Cheesy Whine
BEFORE WHINE This Friday post is mostly for writers, although you of any and all skills can identify. Yesterday was a pretty crummy day. You know crummies — nothing in particular, but a dozen things...
View ArticleBombardment Central
Even when I am well-intentioned, I tend to screw up. I don’t know if it’s that I don’t think things through, or I don’t know how things work so I don’t know what the outcome will really be — it could...
View ArticleGoing One Way Or Another
According to my online personality profile, Sagittarius is the traveler of the zodiac and considers every day an opportunity for another adventure. This a cheerful, spontaneous, and idealistic...
View ArticleStaying On Task
I could live like this. Forever. Up at the cabin: wake up at 5:30 when hubby goes fishing; turn over and go back to sleep; wake up at 7, let the dog out, go out to the livingroom, open doors and...
View ArticleWho Am I Tonight?
Alright Readers, Writers, Painters, Sculptors, and all other Creative Musi — I have been on the writing rollercoaster for quite some time now, enjoying the ride when I can get it, thinking about it...
View ArticleWhy I Write
I write to tell my story I write to share your story I write to entertain I write to be entertained I write to escape this reality I write to capture this reality I write to make you smile I write...
View ArticleUse Your Words
What comes to mind when someone describes something as “Mediterranean”? Or “savory”? When someone is described as a “godfather”, do visions of Marlon Brando come to mind? Or your Uncle Hal?...
View ArticleHow to Color Your Words
I love the curve, the sparkle, of the English language. Especially when used properly. They say French is a colorful language, as is Spanish. If one uses their words wisely, all languages have...
View ArticlePardon My French
Bon jour! Dear me — I’m transforming — again. I have been bitten by the Paris bug. I have wandered down many a reincarnation in my short 62-year life. As I have said in other blogs, I went through a...
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